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L. Renee' Chubb


L. Renee’ is an Ohio Buckeye, born and raised. She still resides in Ohio with her husband and their 1-year-old dog, an Italian Mastiff, Kane. L. Renee’ has been an avid community activist but became even more involved within the past 2 years.


L. Renee is an Ohio Buckeye, born and raised. She still resides in Ohio with her husband, James, and their 2-year-old dog, an Italian Mastiff, Kane. She is the mother of one son and the grandmother of a beautiful 3-year-old girl. L. Renee has been an avid community activist but became even more involved within the past 4 years. L Renee has self-published 4 books and contributes to a regular column in Pretty Women Hustle Magazine, she is also a highly recommended member of the IAPWE (International Association of Writers & Editors).


L. Renee’ is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner, and Reflexologist. She's also a Makeup Artist/Advanced Skincare Consultant, from Boutique hair salon in Gahanna, Ohio. She is a private real estate investor, provider of essential services, In addition to owning a 100 person call center in Central Ohio. L. Renee' is looking to make generational wealth the NORM and not the exception, as she helps women and men in her community build brands and break generational curses. Nobody said you couldn’t look good doing it, is her philosophy.



Hello to all the followers, readers, supporters, fans, and lovers of literature.   My name is L. Renee' Chubb, Creator, and Founder of "Women Of Knowledge & Empowerment, W.O.K.E., Author Zone and column on DemWrite Press. 


This site is for us, by us.  I wanted to create a place that was free from judgment and Oxford commas, and full of support, empowerment, and a strong network for women writers, specifically, African American women, and disenfranchised women of all races. 


We're not big on bougie content meant to boost the author's ego, more than edify the reader.  We are HUGE on creativity, passion, inspiration, and love for our craft, that we share as a familial bond.  We share, we live and provide a glimpse into our world through our words.  Our type of literature and unique writing styles are raw and real.


Because of this, we are all to often overlooked, over-critiqued, over-edited, and in extreme cases, our voices stripped from our own work completely.  W.O.K.E. is the place that gives us the freedom to be our imperfectly perfect selves. While this site exclusively features the work of women, we want to inspire the men in our lives to encourage us and our craft to continue to uplift us; Celebrate us and most us, by reading our work. 


Let me give you a brief rundown of how to get the most from this site.


READING: This page is where you can find all of our amazing articles, book excerpts, op-eds, how-to articles, empowerment pieces, and tips and tricks.  If you would like to be a contributor, please visit the Join Us! Page and pick your membership level.  We have plans from $0 to Paid Coaching. Be sure to share this with your friends and support W.O.K.E. Authors and writers.  Use the drop-down menu to see all of the genres available for reading.


MEET OUR AUTHORS: All of our Pro Authors are listed here.  These are the cream of the crop, with multiple published books.  Reach out to them in the member's area! They are more than willing to provide quick tips to new and existing authors.  Ask them how they do it!  Follow them on Twitter. Search their names on Amazon and check out their portfolio.  We are also collecting donations for authors who have contract issues with their current publisher, get artwork done, go independent and do marketing and promotion, where they might not otherwise be able to afford it.  Every donation counts.  Our 2020 Goal is $10,000 split among ALL authors on this platform. Your donation is tax-deductible.  We have an open community right on this site, where you can connect with like-minded individuals and learn valuable tips for getting published and selling more books. 


ABOUT: You are Here - (Sub-menu: Resources)

You are on the main page, learning what W.O.K.E. is all about, and the sub-menu, Resources is where you can see a list of our supplier partners, who have great services for writers.  We've vetted these resources, so you can feel safe that you aren't wasting your time.


JOIN US: (Sub-menu: Member Login Pages)

We have a membership option for everyone.  Join for free and start publishing a weekly column.  Give it a name, choose your genre, and get busy!  It's always free for supporters, readers and fans of our authors.  If you have a service or product that would benefit women in sharpening their writing skills, or ultimately, selling more books.  If you have a blog, that fits in with our genres, we would be more than happy to provide unique content on a monthly basis.  We also offer podcast set up for authors, and 1 on 1 coaching. Check it out and get published today, for FREE! Note that once you have signed up, you will have access to your specific page under the Member Login menu.


W.O.K.E. SHOP: (Sub-menu: Book Store)

Our writers and published authors are not just literary geniuses, they also have great merchandise to sell! Support your favorite artist by checking out the amazing designs. If you are a pro author, your first design is on us!  If you have your own design or a picture with your favorite author, upload it and create your own merchandise and accessories, on us! There's never a charge to upload and create your own designs. The sub-menu under the W.O.K.E. Shop separates the merchandise from the artwork.  Our Pro Author's books are listed here for you to directly purchase.  


COMMUNITY (Sub-menu: Scheduler):  The Community is our private and exclusive community of W.O.K.E., lovers of literature.  Chat with authors, fans, vendors and even our Founder! You must be a registered member to access all of the sites. Readers can access the Main chat where chatting is optional for members. 


Under the sub-menu, the Scheduler is where you can see our FREE and PAID courses available to help our authors in their careers.  If you have a course and would like to be listed, consider signing up for our Vendor listing.  The FREE courses are available to members only, even FREE ones, as long as they are registered. 


If you would like to start a column, and/or showcase your work, please reach out to us.  We are looking for talented writers who are Independent, looking to go Independent or are having trouble breaking free of those chains.  If you need immediate answers, feel free to hit us up on chat Monday - Sunday from 9 am - 5 pm EST. 


Holla' at ya' girl!



See Our Great Affiliations

Our writers are affiliated with the following organizations in some writing capacity.  This affiliation is in no way, a direct endorsement, by these organizations,  of the content on this site.


Click on the image to be taken to the individual website.    

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